Below is a selection of comments from my various clients. I have included some German ones, because many of my clients are from Germany.

Es freut uns sehr, dass du einen letzten Blick auf unser Englisch wirfst, bevor wir das Papier einreichen, zumal deine erste Überarbeitung Goldwert war!

We are really pleased that you can take a last look at our English, before we (re)submit, as your first round of editing was worth gold.

Michael S.  (Münster)

Vielen Dank für die wirklich wertvollen Anmerkungen. Deine Bearbeitungen haben den Brief wirklich auf ein neues Niveau gehoben. Genial!

Many thanks for the truly valuable comments.  Your editing has raised the letter (for a journal editor) to a new and high level. Brilliant! 

Christian G (Beyreuth).

I revised the paper and I think it improved a lot (well, it took me also the better part of Friday to do all the revision ;-)). You really did a splendid job

Jörg L. (Münster)

I want to express my greatest gratitude for your thorough editing which really helps improve the quality of the article.

Johann J. (Fulda)

You are a moving Harvard University Sir.  What a 50yrs experienced grey haired Prof here  can’t find for months, you find it within a wink of eye!

You are simply so kind but very knowledgeable…. I accept candidly that I paid nothing to you when I compare the quality you have presented me…. I will remember your help throughout my life. 

Dipanjan (India)

 Ich habe jetzt all deine Korrekturen in das Paper eingebaut! Vielen Dank nochmal dafür – so hatte ich mir das auch vorgestellt! Vor allem auch danke, dass es so schnell ging!

Ich denke, dass ich einige Sachen gelernt habe – z.B. bezüglich der Kommasetzung und wann Adverbien gesetzt werden, und natürlich auch andere Vokabeln, die einfach besser passen!

I have just entered your corrections into my paper!  Thanks once again – it was just as I had imagined!  In particular, thanks for doing it so quickly. 

 I think that I learned a few (useful) things – such as the placing of commas and when to use adverbs, and of course, difference vocabulary that simply sounds better!

Holger L. (Cologne)

I have now had a closer look at all your additions and deletions and I have to admit that you found more improvements than I expected. You did a great job and the article now has a better flow.

Martin H. (Duisburg)

Nochmals herzlichen DANK für die vielen und tollen Formulierungsverbesserungen!! 🙂

THANKS once again for the many and super improved formulations.


I have a lot of gratitude for being able to work with you. Hope for more opportunities to do so in the future.

Thank you for the fine work. It is humbling to have your text editing.

David E (Sweden)

Thank you very much for your prompt response and the revision! That’s wonderful. I used all your corrections to the poster and I understand all your comments. 

Manfred H. (Münster)

Nochmals vielen Dank für die herausragende Arbeit. Ich werde dich wärmstens weiterempfehlen.

Thanks again for the outstanding work.  I will recommend you strongly.

Stephan L. (Regensburg)

Ich habe all deine Kommentare mittlerweile eingearbeitet und war schon ganz schön beeindruckt! Die Texte lesen sich jetzt weit professioneller und ganz nebenbei hab ich auch noch viel über meine eigenen Englisch-Fähigkeiten gelernt! Es gab ja schon die ein- oder anderen Fehler, auf die ich in Zukunft ganz besonders achten sollte.

I have meanwhile put all your comments into the article and am very impressed!  The text now reads far more professionally and in the process, I have also learned a lot about my own English capabilities!  There are indeed some errors to which I should pay particular attention in the future.

Nele F. (Austria)

Wir können Erfolg melden: das Manuskript, das du redigiert hast und das wir bei Child Development eingereicht hatten, ist akzeptiert worden. Das ist ein großer Erfolg, denn besser als Child Development geht es in der Entwicklungspsychologie nicht. Noch einmal ganz herzlichen Dank.

 We can report a success: the manuscript that you edited and that we submitted to Child Development has been accepted. This is a great success, as there is no better journal in the field of developmental psychology. A hearty thank you once again.

Manfred H.  (Germany)

Vielen Dank für den Scan. Der Artikel liest sich wirklich gleich um Welten besser!

Many thanks for the editing. The article really reads worlds better!

Rene (Münster)

Because of your impressive and exceptional support, I will not turn to any other editor ever.  You have dived into this project and really the relentless effort you have put in, needs a special appreciation from my university as well.  This is in fact a new beginning with an erudite classy, performer like you.

Dipanjan G. (India)

You do really great work and our last paper that was edited by you got lots of applause from a very strict and meticulous editor-in-chief (to whom I recommended you then…).

Barbara W. (Giessen)

I just read your article on doping in the process of German reunification in Sport in History. It is truly excellent – a wonderful piece of scholarship!!! I just wanted to pass on my congratulations.

Thomas H. (Texas, on an article that I had edited very extensively)

Jetzt habe ich Deine Anmerkungen eingefügt. Es ist sehr hilfreich, dass Du auch immer wieder gewissermaßen die Rolle eines Lektors einnimmst und auf Unklarheiten hinweist oder Vorschläge für flüssigere Formulierungen machst! Klasse.

I have now entered in your comments.  It is very helpful that you always adopt the role of a supervisor to some extent and indicate anything that is not clear or give suggestions for more fluent formulations!  Great.

Kerstin R. (Aalen)

Fredrik (co-author) also spoke very highly of you: in fact, he said “he is ‘schweinegenau’ (a positive Swedish expression for someone who is extremely thorough)”. 

Paul V. (Finland)

A big THANK YOU for your support. I really appreciated your comments and precision. I guess the biggest appreciation of your work is the recommendation I gave to my colleague Torben who is now also your client 🙂

Tobias L. (Switzerland)

Thank you very much. Yes, you can improve the text much more than others can.

So it is good for people to know you.

Best regards

Stefán E (Iceland)

I like really your editing style because it improves my original text significantly. You definitely spent a lot of time on my work.
Ali M. (UK, March 2011)

Thank you very much for doing such a great job on editing my work.
Suthida S. (Tokyo, February 2011)

I like really your editing style because it improves my original text significantly. You definitely spent a lot of time on my work.
Ali M. (UK, March 2011)

Thank you very much for doing such a great job on editing my work.
Suthida S. (Tokyo, February 2011)

Yes, good news! Es ist das höchstgerankte E-Commerce-Journal und da habe ich ehrlich gesagt recht sicher mit Rejection gerechnet, aber Deine Korrektur hat sicher zur jetzigen Entscheidung beigetragen.
(It is [to be published in] the highest ranking E-Commerce journal and, to be honest, I was counting on a rejection, but your editing certainly contributed to the current decision).
Christian H.   (Hagen, February 2011)

It’s incredible what you can do! It’s great to see now that it’s much better.
Jörg M. (Berlin, January 2011)

Deine Anmerkungen sind wirklich ganz ausgezeichnet. Dafür noch einmal herzlichen Dank!
Christian M. (Münster, January 2011)

I am so happy at your wonderful work.  Could I ask you an editing service again?
Jin Y. (Korea, October 2010)

Herzlichen Dank für deine schnelle Arbeit. Du hast wirklich tolle Korrekturen gemacht. Ich bin begeistert, wie sich der Sprachfluss verbessert hat.
Florian W. (Frankfurt, December 2010)

Thanks a lot for all your efforts with this paper. It’s great to see how well you understand and read my thoughts behind the text. Nearly all your suggestions have been accepted and your contribution in improving the understanding of the paper is very valuable. I look forward to work with you on the next paper in a couple of months.
Bertil H. (Sweden, September 2010)

 Your expertise has made it a much better article now. I am sure you will hear from me soon again. Hopefully with a new article in store. 
Vafa M. (Iran), September 2010.

 Thank you. Yes, you’re the best!
Markus W. (Berlin, September 2010)

Just to inform you that my manuscript was accepted for the publication in Journal of Small Business Management. Thanks for the professional and fast editing you provided. Hope to work with you in the future. Regards,
Dario (Croatia, September 2010)

Your work is fantastic, and we are pleased to obtain your help. So I recommended you to my friends in various universities in China.
Shunming Z. (China, June 2010)

I like your editing style because it both improves and respects the original text. Congratulations.
Antonio R. (Rome, June 2010)

I am at a loss of words to appreciate your work. You really have done a wonderful job and that too, considering the importance of the paper to me, you gave it top priority. Not many strangers will do this. Your editing work was really top class and I shall recommend your name to other Indian researchers.
SDG (India, April 2010)

Many thanks for an excellent editing. It was just great to go through all the changes you had done and proposed.
Bertil H. (Sweden, March 2010)

Wirklich vielen Dank für die sehr hilfreichen Verbesserungsvorschläge!
Tobias D. (Regensburg, January 2010)

The good news comes as a good start in the beginning of 2010. Thank you so much for your support. We can not make it without your contribution. We hope to get the next chance working with you soon.
Ann  (Warwick, January 2010)

Da wir außerordentlich zufrieden mit Ihrer Arbeit waren, möchte ich Sie fragen, ob Sie in der nächste Woche zeitliche Ressourcen für einen kleinen Anschlussauftrag haben…. vielen Dank für ihre hervorragende Arbeit beim Editieren der Briefe an die Verfasser der Reviews sowie der Emails. Wir haben Ihre Vorschläge in die Dokumente eingearbeitet und sind froh, uns der Qualität in Bezug auf die englische Sprache nun sicher sein zu können.
Daniel B. (Cologne, November, 2009)

Perfect… amazing… I’m impressed… nein, ehrlich… gut redigiert bzw.korrigiert.
Nadja. B (Switzerland, September, 2009)

I have concluded the proofreading of my article. No need to say that once again you have done a great job and this is highly appreciated.
Angelos P. (Athens, September 2009)

Vielen Dank für die schnelle Korrektur, super.  Ich beschäftige mich zur Zeit damit und finde Ihre Anmerkungen und Vorschläge äußerst hilfreich.
K-H. H. (Münster, August 2009)

The article sounds a lot better now and I think our chances of being accepted have considerably increased. I submitted it yesterday to the Cambridge Economic Journal, so let’s see what happens.
Cornelius I. (Münster, July 2009)

First I would like to inform you that the manuscript that you copy edited for us two years ago is now published in Social Psychology (please see attachment). Thanks for your great work!
Katja S. (Dresden, February 2011)